Katie Fogle officially filed for divorce from her husband and famed Subway spokesman Jared Fogle on the same day he agreed to plead guilty to charges of sex with minors and possession of child pornography. The divorce papers cited “an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.”
Katie Fogle released a statement on the same day announcing her intentions, and stating her shock and disappointment at the actions of her soon-to-be ex-husband. The couple have two young children together, and Mrs. Fogle is making their safety and well-being her top priority in the ordeal.
When two people enter into a marriage, each has the right to know the other as well as possible. If your spouse withheld important information from you before your marriage was finalized, you may have solid grounds for divorce. The Monmouth County divorce attorney with the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. dedicates his services to clients dealing with the complexities of divorce, and he can offer you the same level of professional advice and guidance in your situation. Call a Monmouth County divorce attorney at (732) 898-2378 to learn more.