New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Section Chair Patrick Judge Jr. responded to what he described as misleading information made about the position of The New Jersey State Bar Association on an Alimony Study Commission in two editorials published late February, “Alimony laws warrant review”and “Lobby blocks alimony reform,” respectively.
Additional controversy arose earlier this year with the “Alimony in the 21st Century: The Myths and the Reality” program held at the Hilton, East Brunswick Hotel on Jan. 25 by the New Jersey Women for Alimony Reform (NJWAR). This session was offered as an alternative to a “Why Alimony is Awarded” session sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Section. NJWAR endorses alimony guidelines that are uniform, predictable, efficient, and fair to both parties like those in effect in other states.
According to Judge Jr., the New Jersey State Bar Association has been proactive in tackling the issues related to alimony through the creation of an Alimony Study Commission that would look at alimony laws in NJ as they currently are and make suggestions for what could be done in the future.
He further added that they have been continuously cooperating with the bill’s sponsors and engaging in other advocacy groups with sole purpose of seeing it through a final passage in the state Senate.
If you are going through or considering divorce and want to know more about how alimony payments may figure into your divorce agreement, contact the team at the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq., today by calling (732) 898-2378.