A trend that is now being seen in child custody cases is whether or not the parent smokes cigarettes. A recent study conducted by an anti-tobacco group was done and the results show evidence of this trend growing.
According to results, at least 18 states have used cigarette smoking as a factor in child custody cases. In many cases, judges have ordered that parents can not smoke in front of the child, especially while driving in the car.
In other cases, judges have ordered that the parents can not smoke in the home 24 to 48 hours before the child comes to stay. In some cases, visitation rights have been changed because the parent was smoking tobacco in front of the child.
If you or a loved one is currently in the middle of a child custody case, you need experienced representation on your side. Contact the Monmouth County child custody case lawyers of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq today by calling (732) 898-2378 today.